… das klingt nach dem Mississippi Delta. Dabei fand das Konzert von Pete Alderton und Thommy Heinecke gestern im Lippschen statt.
hatte ich über Pete schon einiges gelesen. Seine Konzerte kündige ich auf bluessites schon seit Jahren an. Und auch die Location Cafe´ Walkenmühle findet sich schon seit langem mit tollen Blues Konzerten im Event-Kalender auf bluessites wieder.
Aber gestern war es für mich soweit, Pete Alderton, Urgestein der heimischen Blues-Szene, endlich einmal live zu erleben.
Passend zum Soundcheck traf ich dort ein und stellte verwundert fest, Pete war mit Verstärkung aus Paderborn angereist; nämlich mit dem Multi-Instrumentalisten Thommy Heinecke. Die Beiden sind seit vielen Jahren befreundet und ein tolles Team in Sachen Musik. Interessant fand ich, dass Tommy ein Schifferklavier, sowie eine Mandoline dabei hatte. Beide Instrumente verbinde ich erstmal nicht mit Blues. Und dann kam von Pete auch noch die Ansage, es werde ein akustisches Programm, vorrangig mit Singer/Songwriter Titeln. Da war ich schon erstmal gespannt, was da kommt.
Pete Alderton hat seine Wurzeln zwar im Blues, aber festgelegt auf nur eine Stilrichtung hat er sich nicht. Musiker wie Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen u.v.m. haben ihn inspiriert, einige Songs von ihnen neu zu interpretieren. Und natürlich kam der Blues nicht zu kurz, Titel von Blind Willie Johnson, Robert Johnson u.a. wurden hervorragend arrangiert. Es war ein bunter Mix aus Blues, Folk, Rock ect., immer aber mit dem ganz eigenen Pete-Style arrangiert. Und Multi-Talent Thommy hat mit seiner Art Gitarre, Mandoline und Schifferklavier zu spielen dazu beigetragen, dass das gestrige Konzert etwas ganz Besonderes wurde. Die Stimme von Pete zieht einen ab dem ersten Ton in ihren Bann. Und mit den diversen Instrumenten wurde ein fantastischer Sound erzeugt, der mitunter Gänsehaut erzeugte.
Alles in Allem war es ein abwechslungsreiches, von zwei sehr sympathischen Musikern gestaltetes Konzert. Honoriert wurde es mit lang anhaltendem Applaus des begeisterten Publikums.
News from Pete.
Pete Alderton gives an acoustic evening of Blues and storytelling.
The small Westphalian town of Lemgo in Germany, Melancholic blues and jazz sounds, the sun is setting, sounds of splashing in the Bega stream in the background... The concert of Pete Alderton
in the café Walkenmühle has profited with the dreamlike scenery. All seats were taken and it was a full house
He introduces his concert with the words; “imagine we are on a Mississippi steamboat with 40 degrees in the shade, behind us the cotton fields and the
river - in addition comes the blues." With American accent and smoky voice the musician living in Paderborn invites the audience to listen to his songs. "There is no Blues evening without stories",
he says and tells his own tales of life on the road: songs about his experience with “Homesickness” when joining the army, and that he does not always writes the songs which the record company would
like him to..
Equipped with an Acoustic Guitar and a Blues Harmonica and also accompanied by guitarist Tommy Heineke, Pete Alderton plays and sings his own compositions and in between selected cover versions of
classics like "Ain't no sunshine" from Bill Withers.
This was the first live appearance on the new stage in this cozy and warm summer evening and what a complete success it turned out to be.
Full house at the Kulte Paderborn, a grand evening with support from Ella Raven http://www.ellaraven.com/ who also joined us in the second set where I had the pleasure of singing in Duet the Leonard Cohen song "Dance me to the end of love"
ps. goosepimples are a form of Braille for musicians..
Roadside Preaching CD presentation in the ancient and historic Mill " Niedermühle Büren " Sold out and a fantastic response from the public "Brilliant "
The man in the middle is my old friend Oliver Mathay who is replacing Chris while on sick leave.
p.s. special thanks to Monika,Werner, Liane and all the crew from the Niedermühle.....
Unfortunately Chris has a broken wrist due to a traffic accident, thankfully he was not injured more, he will also be off the Music scene for about five to seven weeks. ( with a little prayer added )
Oliver Mathay a guitarist that I played and toured with a few years ago will be chris's replacement untill he is well and healthy again. ( get well soon Chris )
Singer songwriter event in Dörenhagen, a memorable evening with Artists Nadine Fingerhut, Matthias Lüke & others also special thanks to Jan Lessner (Singer & Harmonica player) who joined us on stage with the "Walking Blues " classic and Gerd Schmollorz the organiser of the event..
Hi Folks, went for a drive to my favourite guitar shop the "Musicworld" in Brilon, it's about forty minutes drive from Paderborn, I was accompanied by Thommy Heinecke who proved to be a good Co pilot, we tried out a few guitars and Thommy has orderd a Resophonic Laptop Guitar, just the right thing for some Dirty Blues Slide Guitar, and I hope it comes soon,
that's all now folks. Bye....
Pete Alderton is back again after four years with his most recent and new CD Roadside Preaching.
Alderton shows us that somewhere between blues and singer / songwriting lays his roots, talent and experience, and with a total of eleven titles, eight of his own compositions and three cover songs, it is to date his most personal CD, with songs of love, sometimes critical of society, poverty, vulnerability and moreover his own experience with homesickness as a British soldier stationed in Germany.
Roadside Preaching covers a wide range of songs with the influence and importance of the admirable music lovers, and, moreover, Alderton always gives an exciting and imposing concert either on small or large stages from Germany to England.
Pete Alderton meldet sich wieder nach vier Jahre mit sein aktuellen und neues CD Roadside Preaching. (Bordstein Prediger)
Alderton zeigt uns das irgendwo zwischen Blues & Singer/Songwriting liegt seien Wurzeln, Begabung und Erfahrungen, mit gesamt elf titeln dazu acht eigen Komposition und drei cover Songs auf dieser CD ist das bis jetzt Aldertons persönlichste werk, mit Songs mal von Liebe, mal gesellschaftkritisch, Armut und Bedürftigkeit und noch dazu sein eigener Erfahrung mit Heimweh als britische Soldat stationiert in Deutschland.
Roadside Preaching bedeckt ein breites Spektrum von Songs mit Einfluss und Bedeutung für den schätzenswerten Musikliebhaber, und noch dazu gibt Alderton immer eine sehenswerte und hören würdiges Konzert sei es auf klein oder große bühnen von Deutschland bis England.
So Folks, after a long fifteen months on and off in the recording studios the long awaited CD. "ROADSIDE PREACHING" has finally left the press factory and arrives this week.
The CD was recorded at Kleinton Studio Paderborn
the CD is a Project of eight of my own songs plus three cover songs all played exclusively with Chis Rosikon(Guitar & Mandoline), Thommy Heinecke (Guitar,Mandoline & Accordion),Ella Raven (backing vocals). the CD can be purchased directly from my Web-Shop.
Soester Music Festival.
Fantastic evening in Duo formation with Thommy, we played in the Würstkuche in Habinghorst/Castrop-Rauxel, the concert was for the members of the social club from "Save The Planet"
photo from left to right,Thommy Heinecke, Pete, Wolf Rünte (Support act) and Franz Niewelt the Chairman from "SAVE THE PLANET", See you next year.
Vinyl Remastered limited Edition LP.
"Yippee" 30 degrees celcius has been forcasted for Thursday 16th August, that is what I call "Busking" weather, maybe C.U. in Soest
EXTRA BLUES BAR in Bielefeld 05/May/12
After gig Bla Bla with Haggerty the Landlord from the "Extra Blues Bar" in Bielefeld, this place looks and feels like a setting in a Quentin Tarantino Road movie, also special thanks to the two GoGo dancers Annika & Daria, who will be supporting us next year as warm up act ala Josh Stone...
Schloss Hamborn. Cafe Alte Schule.
And what a grand day it was at the " Harley Davidson Open Day " at Arno Werkmeisters annual event in Kassel,
Chris and I got the best possible treatment, and we played hourly from 11:00 till 16:30, also met a few faces that we have have got to know over the past few years, hopefelly till next year....
The Royal British Legion
You never know when you might need them and it is never to late to join.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
by John McCrae, May 1915
First Paderborner Singer/Songwriter Evening
And what a fantastic evening it was with well over 120 guests in the Kulturwerkstatt Paderborn,
Thanks to Chris, Paul & Stephan for making the evening so enjoyable.
ps. and not to forget the Salzkottener Trio Kintek for playing support.